Dear visitors. In this section we try to answer all the questions that come up about our school. If any of your questions are not answered here, please feel free to ask them in an e-mail to This page will be updated regularly with your questions.
1. what kind of school is the comprehensive school?
Here we also recommend our video What is a comprehensive school?
At our comprehensive school, students can achieve all secondary level I and II qualifications.
- Baccalaureate (after grade 13)
- Vocational baccalaureate (school part after grade 12)
- Mittlerer Schulabschluss with qualification for the gymnasiale Oberstufe (after grade 10)
- Intermediate school leaving certificate (Fachoberschulreife) (after grade 10)
- Secondary school leaving certificate after grade 10
- Secondary school leaving certificate after grade 9
Regardless of the elementary school recommendation, all children are admitted and taught together. In doing so, we make sure that the individual abilities of each child are promoted and challenged. Pupils are not separated early on according to performance. This separation takes place in mathematics and English in grade 8. In the other subjects, the students are taught together with differentiated material. In this way, each child benefits from the individual strengths of the others for as long as possible. Grade 10 is followed by the gymnasiale Oberstufe at our school. This means that the students can take the Abitur at the Euregio Gesamtschule Epe without changing schools.
2. what does "bound all-day school" mean and how long do the lessons last?
The Euregio Gesamtschule Epe is a bound all-day school. This means that classes end at 3:15 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and at 1:00 pm on Tuesdays and Fridays. A sample schedule for a 5th grade class can be found here. During lunch, children can eat in our cafeteria or use the play garbage can in our schoolyard. Older students also like to use this time for recreation. In learning times, students complete their assignments and are assisted by a teacher. These tasks replace the classic homework, which does not exist at our school. However, students still have to study at home for class tests and exams.
3. which children is the school suitable for?
Euregio Gesamtschule Epe is aimed at all children. We live our motto "Together for your future", accept all children, regardless of elementary school recommendation, place of residence or other points and teach them together. In this way, all children can benefit from the skills and abilities of the other children. In doing so, the teachers pay attention to the abilities and potentials of each individual and promote them individually.
4. how big is the school and does every child get a place?
Our comprehensive school is planned as a four-form entry school. This means that we plan to have four new grade 5 classes with 25 to 29 children each school year. In total, therefore, we teach about 115 children in each grade. As long as the enrollment numbers do not exceed this number, every child will get a place at our school. If the enrollment numbers exceed our capacities, the lottery decides.
When does the registration for the new year 5 take place and what do I need for it?
Our registration days at the Euregio Comprehensive School always take place in the 2nd or 3rd week of February. Please bring your child's primary school report card, a photo and birth certificate, as well as the completed registration form.
6. what do I have to do if my child should change to the Euregio Comprehensive School?
If you intend that your child changes to our school, please contact our Head of Department I Mrs. Balke directly. She will make an appointment with you to clarify everything else. Please also bring your child's most recent report cards with you.
7. which languages can my child learn here?
English is taught from year 5 onwards as a language continued from elementary school. In Year 7, pupils can choose Dutch as a second foreign language as part of compulsory elective lessons. In Year 8, French can be chosen as a second or third language as part of the supplementary lessons.
8. what is the difference between internal differentiation and external differentiation?
In the case of internal differentiation (also called internal differentiation), the students are taught together in the existing learning group, usually the class group. We see the individual differences as an enrichment for the lessons and want to use them productively for the lessons. The teachers take these differences into account both in the planning of lessons and in the implementation of performance assessments.
In external differentiation, the students are divided into new subgroups. We do this in English from grade 8 and in mathematics from grade 9 according to the E and G course assignments. In the resulting E- and G-courses, our goal is to support or challenge the students more specifically with regard to their predicted graduation and final exams in the respective subject. Even after the allocation, a change between the courses is possible, given appropriate performance, and is reviewed by us on a regular basis.
Who teaches at the Euregio Gesamtschule Epe?
Since the Euregio Gesamtschule leads to all lower secondary school-leaving certificates and the Abitur, qualified teachers with teaching qualifications for grades 5-10 and/or 11/13 teach at our school. The teachers are supported by our social pedagogue and several special needs teachers. This combination ensures a learning situation in which each individual can be optimally supported.
10 What are the basic pedagogical ideas that underpin the school?
Everyone is welcome at the Euregio Comprehensive School in Gronau-Epe! We see diversity and difference in the school community and the strengths of each individual as an enrichment of our school life. We promote respectful interaction in our community and the ability to deal with conflicts in a fair, responsible and appropriate manner.
We work together trustingly and effectively as a team
We want to create a positive school culture through active and social interaction. In order to achieve this, we create opportunities for individual and cooperative learning that equally promotes and challenges students in their diversity.
We mobilize resources
We leverage the diversity of our learners to provide diverse professional as well as social skill growth for our students.
We are there for our children
We organize the whole day in a varied way and offer a creative range of activities during the lunch break in order to meet the needs of our children and young people. We listen to the concerns and problems of our students and look for solutions together.
We work with collaborative partners
We draw on the expertise and experience of extracurricular partners to provide a reliable and diverse range of services that support the interests and talents of our students.
We act and plan supra-regionally
We promote partnership with other schools nearby and in neighboring countries to give our students the opportunity to learn about new things.
We promote professional action
We use the multiprofessional competencies of all members of our school community to continuously work on the further development of our school.