
- Diagnosis and support with the program "Mathe sicher Können"
- " Mathe sicher Können"
- Differentiation in G and E level from year 7
- Subject-related support and challenge lesson in year 9 and 10 in preparation for the central examination.
- Further information about our mathematics lessons can be found here.

Computer Science

- In grade 5, there are two hours of keyboarding lessons per week for one semester.
- In grade 6, students receive two hours of computer science lessons per week for another semester.
- In grades 8 and 9, students go through various courses in the supplementary lessons section. Among other things, they attend courses in computer science or robotics.

Natural Sciences

- In grades 5 through 7, all students receive instruction in science. This instruction combines the subjects of biology, chemistry and physics.
- Starting in grade 8, science instruction is divided into biology, chemistry and physics.
- Starting in grade 9, we differentiate physics into G and E level.
- Starting in grade 7, students can choose science as an elective major.


- In grades 5 and 7, students receive one semester each of technology instruction. Basic technical skills, abilities and knowledge are developed.
- In the 7th grade, they can choose the elective main subject Business and the World of Work, which includes not only Business but also Technology and Home Economics.

Set priorities

In addition to school partnerships and languages, as well as career orientation, the Euregio-Gesamtschule Epe also focuses on the STEM area. In this context, our school has already been awarded as a "MINT - friendly school" and is a partner of the association "Technik Begeistert e.V.".

Our goals

The goal of our school is to give students who are interested in STEM subjects the opportunity to engage with the topic beyond the classroom. Furthermore, the enthusiasm for the field, especially among girls, should be promoted. Participation in competitions serves to increase the motivation of interested students and to promote the further development of competencies in the STEM field. With a view to the further vocational training of the students, the focus should also be on scientific and technical professions.

With regard to the structure of the secondary level II, a scientific-technical focus is aimed at in the area of specialized work and subject offerings. Special attention is paid to the development of the subject technology in the secondary level II.

Activities to date

World Robot Olympiad

As a partner of the "Technik Begeistert e.V." association, we organize an annual regional decision of the "World Robot Olympiad (WRO)" at our school. For the category "RoboMission" we prepare teams of 2-3 students in our robotics class. This Robotics AG is led by three teachers and takes place in addition to the timetable. Many students attend this AG voluntarily on Mondays after class.

First Lego League

Outside of the WRO season, the students in the robotics club prepare for the First Lego League competition. Every year, we take part in the regional decision in Borken with a team of up to 10 students. In addition, we have already participated with a second team in a regional decision in the Netherlands.

Kangaroo competition

Every year, students from all grades participate in the Mathematics Kangaroo Competition, where they win various small prizes.

Girls and Boys Day

Every year, Year 7 takes part in "Girls and Boys Day". On this day, these students are allowed to do a one-day internship in a profession that is atypical for their gender. This is to enable the children to become enthusiastic about other occupational fields.

Entsorgungsgesellschaft Westmünsterland mbH

In order to familiarize the 5th grade students with the topic of waste separation and recycling using paper as an example, they travel to Entsorgungsgesellschaft Westmünsterland mbH every year during the last week of school.


The following is a list of our STEM cooperation partners and a brief description of the type of cooperation.

  • Technik Begeistert e.V. (partner of the association and venue of the competition)
  • Stahlbau Benning GmbH Gronau-Epe (steel construction company as partner in the field of vocational orientation)
  • TEUPEN Maschinenbau GmbH Gronau (mechanical engineering company as a partner in the field of vocational orientation)
  • Kleine-Ruse GmbH Gronau (pool construction company as partner in the field of vocational orientation)
  • KIMA Automatisierung Gronau-Epe (automation company as a partner in the field of vocational orientation, as well as the implementation of the World Robot Olympiad)
  • TalentStad (secondary school from the Netherlands that promotes talents, such as manual skills, in practical teaching).
  • Math - TU Dortmund (promotion of mathematical competencies, especially in grades 5 and 6)