Michael Adamsky(Adm)
Subjects: math, physics, natural sciences, computer science
Tasks: 1st level support, security officer
Berit Baumeister (Bms)
Subjects: Biology, German
Tasks: German reading competition, school library
Walter Berg (Ber)
Subjects: Music, Physics
Tasks: WebUntis
Claudia Beßler (Bes)
Subjects: Biology, English, Protestant religion
Dr. Jutta Bickmann (Bic)
Subjects: Latin, cat. Religion
Tasks: Counseling coordination, coaching, Future School Network
David Bomas (Bom)
Subjects: Mathematics, Sport
Tasks: Sign/certificate printing, control group
Alexandra Book (Bok)
Subjects: mathematics, sport, science/politics
Tasks: Further education officer, teachers' council
Jan-Bernd Brewing (Brw)
Subjects: sport, sociology/politics
Tasks: Career guidance/KAoA/
Internship for pupils
Fabian Busch (Bus)
Subjects: Dutch, sport
Tasks: SV teacher, homepage
Heike Demming (Dmg)
Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Natural Sciences
Tasks: Mint coordination
Christian Demter (Dtr)
Subjects: Chemistry, English, Natural Sciences
Tasks: WebUntis, support for gifted students
Sebastian Fehlker (Flk)
Subjects: History, Mathematics
Tasks: Deputy upper school coordinator, school archive, exam plans
Ursula Fischer-Becker (Fir)
Subjects: Biology, Music
Tasks: Music projects
Daniel Geukes (Geu)
Subjects: mathematics, sport
Tasks: deputy head teacher, timetables, steering group
Linda Golabi (Gol)
Subjects: Art
Markus Haase (Hse)
Subjects: German, Soviet studies/politics
Caitlen Heidbrink (Hbk)
Subjects: English, Spanish
Silke Heilen (Hei)
Subjects: English, Protestant religion
Tasks: Coordination of project days
Kristin Hense (Hns)
Subjects: German, practical philosophy, philosophy
Tasks: Test level coordination
Thomas Herden (Her)
Subjects: Mathematics, sport, science/politics, education
Tasks: Principal
Birte Hofmann (Hof)
Subjects: English, history, sociology/politics
Tasks: Deputy middle school coordinator, teacher council
Sandra Holthaus (Hlt)
Subjects: English, French
Tasks: Coaching/counseling, mediator
Stefan Hübner (Hüb)
Subjects: German, History
Tasks: Timetable, substitution, room plan
Okka Janssen (Jan)
Subjects: French, History
Tasks: Training officer
Carolin Klatt (Ktt)
Subjects: German, Education
Tasks: Future School Network, coahing, counseling, theater against bullying, My body belongs to me
Christiane Klockgeter (Klg)
Subjects: French, History
Tasks: Career guidance/KAoA, student internship, deputy equal opportunities officer
Ramona Köhler (Köl)
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Natural Sciences
Tasks: Learning materials, hazardous substances officer
Stephan Könnecke (Kön)
Subjects: Sport, Dutch, Mathematics
Sandra Koppelberg (Kbg)
Subjects: German, English, Catholic religion
Tasks: Support for gifted students, youth debating
Sylvia Kort (Krt)
Subjects: French, Dutch
Tasks: DaZ
Franz Küstner-Rensing (Ksn)
Subjects: history, sociology/politics, computer science
Tasks: Timetable/representation, exam schedules, first-level support
Carmen Lalana (Lal)
Subjects: English, Mathematics
Tasks: Training officer, teachers' council
René Levens (Lev)
Subjects: Mathematics, Computer Science
Tasks: First level support
Jens Lücke (Lük)
Subjects: German, History
Tasks: Integration
Dietmar Lütkemeyer (gLue)
Subjects: catholic religion
Carina Mollen (Mln)
Subjects: Mathematics, Pedagogy
Tasks: Equal opportunities officer, school trips/hiking days
Ellen Mormille (Mom)
Subjects: German, History
currently on secondment
Ruth Müller (Mür)
Subjects: Latin, Mathematics
Brigitte Müller-Wenderdel (Mwd)
Subjects: Latin, Catholic religion
Britta Nolte (Nol)
Subjects: English, History
Tasks: English reading competition, school library
Diana Noltemeier (Ntm)
Subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry
Tasks: AG planning
Klaus Overesch (Ove)
Subjects: Biology, German, Catholic religion
Tasks: Upper school coordination
Johanna Reckers (Rec)
Subjects: German, Art
currently on parental leave
Christoph Rier (Rie)
Subjects: Mathematics, Physics
Julia Sandmann (Sdm)
Subjects: English, History
Tasks: Middle school coordination, philological association
Ulf Sauer (Sar)
Subjects: Art
Andreas Schapmann (Spm)
Subjects: Biology, Geography
Tasks: School program, public relations, homepage, summer school, media scouts
Ina Schardien (Srd)
Subjects: Chemistry, Music
Henning Scheinig (Sng)
Subjects: Biology, Geography
Florian Seidel (Sdl)
Subjects: Biology, Sport
Tasks: Deputy middle school coordinator, HSU, teacher council
Ines Springer (Spr)
Subjects. German, history, Protestant religion
Tasks. SV teacher
Anette Suilmann (Sui)
Subjects: Mathematics, Geography
Tasks: Future School Network, coaching, Lions Quest
Guido Tan (Tan)
Subjects: English, Sport
Anke Tapken (Tap)
Subjects: Physics, Catholic religion, science
Tasks: Extracurricular partners
Henning Temme (Tem)
Subjects: Mathematics, Sport
Tasks: Sign/certificate printing, parent-teacher conferences, steering group
Stephan Tessarek (Tes)
Subjects: Latin, History
Tasks: Digitization officer, first-level support
Franziska Vierhaus (Vhs)
Subjects: German, English
Tasks: Steering group, English subject leader
Anja Walter (Wtr)
Subjects: Mathematics, Music
Tasks: Deputy test level coordinator, teacher council
Martina Welter (Wlt)
Subjects: English, Dutch
Friederike Westermann (Wmn)
Subjects: Biology, practical philosophy, philosophy
Tasks: Public relations, homepage, digitization officer, steering group, student library, media scouts
Tatjana Winkler (Wik)
Subjects: French, practical philosophy, philosophy
Tasks: LRS, support association
Afra Witomsky (Wtm)
Subjects: French, Latin, pedagogy, practical philosophy
Tasks: Student exchange, French reading competition, DeLF, student library
Ines Wolfgart (Wft)
Subjects: Geography, French
Tasks: Practical semester students, steering group
Jonas Eckrodt (xEck)
Subjects: Biology, Sport
Trainee teacher
Carina Jansen (xJas)
Subjects: English, Catholic religion
Verena Krumme (xKru)
Subjects: German, History
Michelle Reuver (xReu)
Subjects: French, Dutch
Trainee teacher
Marie Upgang (xUpg)
Subjects: German, Geography
Trainee teacher
Hannah Kuipers
School social work, MPT
Merit Krönke
School social work, MPT
Heinz Elskamp
Judith Schulz
Special needs teacher - focus on "vision"