
Based on the requirements of the curriculum, we teach in a skills- and education-oriented manner and promote the individual learning processes of our pupils.
  • 1. we teach individual learning strategies for a continuous increase in competence.

    All teachers use different methods and learning strategies:

    • Learning to learn
    • Media concept
    • Methods curriculum

    All participating teachers visit extracurricular places of learning:

    • Contact with various universities, e.g. research projects at the University of Osnabrück, Münster, Ruhr University Bochum and Duisburg-Essen.
    • Bethesda contact, e.g. summer party/Christmas party/Christmas market visit.
    • Vocational guidance/ SchuB/ internship:
      Contact with various universities (Münster/ Cologne) and other grammar schools for joint career guidance events.
    • Theater visits (German/Literature Upper School): cross-level theater visits as part of the school's internal German curriculum + literature course visits to the theater
    • Cooperation with the Protestant and Catholic churches:
      • Inspection (e.g. church interior, cemetery),
      • projects (e.g. creative design of a Stations of the Cross and presentation at Easter),
      • "Religious school week"
      • Contact with the Syrian Orthodox and Islamic community
    • Visit to the waterworks, sewage treatment plant and transformer station
    • Excursions (e.g. Münster Zoo, school laboratory)
    • Visit to Entsorgungsgesellschaft Westmünsterland (EGW) on the subject of "Waste advice for schools"
    • Raesfeld Nature Experience School (Year 5), experiencing nature and strengthening team spirit

    All teachers organize class and level trips or project events.

    All pupils are given the opportunity to participate in supplementary teaching activities, e.g:

    • Overnight care
    • school tutoring
    • LRS support
    • DaZ support
    • School first aid service
    • Robotics club
    • English Drama Group
    • Legal knowledge
    • Team support sports
    • Bee-AG
    • Media scouts
    • Detmold Young Opera
    • Raesfeld Nature Experience School
    • Newspaper project (WN)
    • Rock and Pop Museum
    • Storyteller

    If necessary, all teachers will arrange contact with the general social services of the youth welfare office and public counseling centers.
    All students are offered a supportive, differentiated prevention concept together with cooperation partners, e.g:

    • Traffic education class 5 (police)
    • Spotlight: Theater against bullying class 6 (ASB Münster)
    • Cyberbullying (bullying scouts)
    • Addiction prevention, grade 8 (Caritas addiction counseling center/ Borken district addiction prevention center/ TPZ Münster/ TV Gronau/ Fit &Fun association/ Gronau family education center)
    • Drug prevention class 9 (police)
    • School first aid service (First Aid Man & Dog Epe)

    All teachers support the students in participating in competitions, e.g:

    • Reading competition grade 6 (Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels)
    • English / French reading competition
    • Kangaroo competition grades 5 - 9
    • Big Challenge cl. 5 - 9
    • DELF exam
    • Cambridge - Certifcate
  • 2. we create a teaching environment that is conducive to learning.

    All those involved in school life support our students in their personal development through:

    • Communicating values
    • House rules
    • LionsQuest
    • Assumption of responsibility by students (e.g. yard duty, canteen service)
    • Raesfeld Nature Experience School
    • Festivals, trips
    • Appreciation of special achievements
  • 3. we support and strengthen our students in subject-specific, methodological and social skills according to their individual abilities.

    All teachers respond to the individual support and assistance needs of our students with:

    • Promotion concepts
    • Homework supervision
    • LionsQuest
    • Extracurricular offers
    • LRS
    • DaZ
    • Project events:
      • Detmold Young Opera
      • Raesfeld Nature Experience School
      • Newspaper project (WN)
      • Rock and Pop Museum
      • Storyteller

    If necessary, all teachers will arrange contact with the general social services of the youth welfare office and public counseling centers.
    All students are offered a supportive, differentiated prevention concept together with cooperation partners, e.g:

    • Traffic education class 5 (police)
    • Spotlight: Theater against bullying class 6 (ASB Münster)
    • Cyberbullying (bullying scouts)
    • Addiction prevention, grade 8 (Caritas addiction counseling center/ Borken district addiction prevention center/ TPZ Münster/ TV Gronau/ Fit &Fun association/ Gronau family education center)
    • Drug prevention class 9 (police)
    • School first aid service (First Aid Man & Dog Epe)

    All teachers support the students in participating in competitions, e.g:

    • Reading competition grade 6 (Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels)
    • English / French reading competition
    • Kangaroo competition grades 5 - 9
    • Big Challenge cl. 5 - 9
    • Youth Creative Competition (Volksbank)
    • DELF exam
    • Cambridge - Certifcate

    All participating teachers go on excursions with the students.

  • 4 We assess and grade on the basis of a coordinated and transparent performance evaluation.

    All subject teachers inform students about performance criteria and performance levels

    • Performance criteria
    • Feedback forms
    • Expectation horizons for class tests and exams
  • 5 We promote and facilitate the best possible learning processes.

    All teachers support the students by adhering to and using

    • Subject curricula
    • Substitution concept
    • EVA
    • Library