In order to live up to our claim of providing the best possible support in the upper school as well, we place particular value on individual and continuous counseling.
To this end, there will be various counseling offerings on several levels throughout the entire career in the upper school.
The advisory teacher team
In each year group, a team of advisory teachers takes over the career counseling and accompanies a year group during the entire three years in the upper school. In addition to the Head of Department 3, who is responsible for the overall coordination of the Upper School, the team consists of a Head of Year and a guidance teacher.
As early as Grade 10, the guidance team provides individual information about careers and degrees in the Upper School and plans the respective course selection decisions together with the individual students.
During the entire time in the Upper School, the advisory teacher team regularly reviews and optimizes the individual course selection decisions and, in cooperation with the Upper School department head, ensures that the chosen career is legally compliant according to the APO-GOSt examination regulations and thus that admission to the Abitur examination is possible under the required conditions.
Contact person and guidance counselor
Head of Upper School: Mr. Untied
Head of Year Q2: Mr. Ludwig
Head of Year Q1: Mr. Untied
Head of Year EF: Ms. Below, Mr. Terbeck
Advisory teacher: Ms. Below, Ms. Ostendorf
Career and study guidance
In addition to the guidance counselors, we continue the successful cooperation with non-school partners that began in the lower secondary school. These include the employment agency with its career counselors as well as local companies and colleges or universities. The various cooperation partners support the process of career choice during the time in the upper school, e.g. through counseling and discussions, "taster days" at universities and visits to lectures/seminars or company visits to experience certain professions in practice.
Class absences and excuse procedures in the upper school
All students are required to be on time for class and attend class regularly. In case of illness, the following applies:
- The student signs out sick in the morning at the office.
- Upon returning to school, the student in question must fill out the "Excuse Form", which they can get printed out here or in the secretary's office. In any case, the date of the missed class(es), the reason as well as the signature (for underage students the parent's signature) must be noted there.
- The excuse form must be submitted to the grade level administration no later than 2 weeks after returning to school, so that the absent hours can be excused. If the 2-week deadline has passed, the absences are considered unexcused!
If a student is unable to attend the day's class due to acute health problems, he/she should notify the subject teacher for the next class or sign out with the grade level teacher. This does not affect the submission of the excuse form.
Doctor's appointments and the like are generally to be made outside of class hours. If a doctor's visit is unavoidable due to acute health problems during class time, a doctor's certificate must be presented.
Missed exams
- If an exam is written and a student is ill, it is imperative that a cancellation is sent to the secretary's office.
- In addition, a medical certificate must be submitted confirming that the student was unable to attend the exam due to illness
- The exam will then be rewritten by the student at the next possible time
Bus times cooperation Gronau schools - shuttle bus upper school