Entry - Registration Upper School

When does it start at the Euregio Comprehensive School?

Registration for the gymnasiale Oberstufe can be made in January/February by students who are expected to become eligible to attend the gymnasiale Oberstufe. Exact dates, deadlines and the registration form will be announced.

An information brochure for students entering the gymnasiale Oberstufe can be found here.

Elections for the introductory phase.

For the introductory phase, students choose from a variety of subjects.

  • To simulate your own choice in the introductory phase click here.

If you have any questions, please also refer to our Upper School General Information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ-GOSt) pages.

Schedule before entering the upper school


Event and target group


First information event about the upper school for JG 10

After autumn vacations

Upper school project week JG 10


Registration for the upper school


Info event on choice of subjects JG 10

Before Easter

Choice of subjects for EF


Methods Week "Fit for the Upper School" (prospective upper school students JG 10)