Getting Started - General Information

Dear students,

Dear parents and guardians

As a school, we are very much looking forward to this new challenge and want to lay the foundation as early as possible in order to offer all students attending our Upper School from Year 11 onwards optimal conditions for successful learning and the best possible school-leaving qualifications.


The prerequisite for attending the gymnasiale Oberstufe is the Fachoberschulreife with qualification endorsement (FORQ-E) or promotion to the introductory phase (grade 10 at the Gymnasium).

In addition to our own students, we naturally also offer students from other secondary schools (Realschulen, Hauptschulen, Sekundarschulen, Gymnasien or Gesamtschulen) the opportunity to attend the upper school with us, provided they meet the requirements.

Design, structure and duration

The gymnasiale Oberstufe lasts 3 years and is divided into a one-year introductory phase (grade 11) and a two-year qualification phase (grades 12 and 13). In the introductory phase, students are familiarized with the content and methodological requirements of the Gymnasiale Oberstufe. The qualification phase builds on this and systematically prepares students for the Abitur examination. The performance achieved here is included in the Abitur grade. The upper school is completed at the end of Q2 with the Abitur examination. The education and examination regulations for the gymnasiale Oberstufe (APO-GOSt) and the guidelines and core curricula of the subjects provide the legal framework for the organization of the Oberstufe.


Passing the Abitur examination results in the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur). This means that the students have acquired the highest school-leaving qualification in the Federal Republic of Germany, which qualifies them to study at all universities and colleges.

At the end of qualification phase 1 (grade 12), students already have the opportunity to acquire the Fachhochschulreife (scholastic part). After an additional one-year, guided internship, a voluntary social year or an apprenticeship, this can be used to obtain the authorization to study at a university of applied sciences.

Our range of subjects