Timetable and lessons
The Euregio Comprehensive School is a bound all-day school with some subjects which at first seem unfamiliar.
- Learning time: During learning time, students work independently on tasks from the various subjects.
- Social Learning: In the subject "Social Learning", the social interaction of the students is to be strengthened. The focus is on teaching and promoting social and democratic skills.
- Natural Sciences: The subject of natural sciences combines the subjects of biology, chemistry and physics, enabling the investigation of various scientific phenomena with regard to all three areas. Starting in the 6th grade, this subject is also offered as an elective.
- Social studies: The subject social studies comprises areas from the four subjects geography, history, politics and economics.
- Profile: Profile classes are offered in the 5th grade and are based on the interests and inclinations of the individual students.
- Industrial science: Industrial science at our comprehensive school is divided into the subjects technology/economics and home economics/economics. Students in the 5th grade receive instruction in these two areas for one semester each. Starting in the 6th grade, this subject is offered as an elective.
Example timetable of a 5th grade class at Euregio Comprehensive School: