Vocational Orientation

The transition from school to work and university has increasingly become the focus of students, parents, teachers and education policy in recent years, because many young people need support at this important interface to shape their future. Current figures show that one in four trainees drops out of their training (Berufsbildungsbericht 2018). Among the reasons for dropping out, trainees frequently cite "wrong career ideas" or "unfavorable working conditions.

The career and study choice decision today is not final due to these developments, but also due to the development of one's own wishes, abilities and goals. Young people need to know their abilities and potentials, develop their (career) goals during their school career and assume that the initial choice is only the entry into professional life. The transition between school and work/study has become a special creative task that each young person must carry out on his or her own responsibility.

We, the Euregio-Gesamtschule Epe, would like to offer with the concept of study and career orientation a support offer, which should constructively accompany students in the process of career orientation and thus positively shape the transition from school to work or study. With our concept of career and study guidance, we take into account all the important cornerstones of successful guidance against the backdrop of the implementation of the state project "Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss (KAOA)" (see graphic) and also try to set our own accents in career and study guidance.

Internal school building blocks and standard elements of KAoA (as of 2018)


Standard elements (mandatory)

Internal school modules for career orientation Euregio comprehensive school



Girls- and boys-day

→ First (brief) experience in professional life

M&E Infotruck

→ Getting to know professions in the metal and electrical industry


Potential Analysis (PA)

Occupational Explorations (BFE)


Work with the Berufswahlpass NRW

Voluntary social internship

Company visits

"Companies introduce themselves"

Training ambassador in school

Consultations through employment agency

Career counseling interviews


Student internship 3 weeks


Work with the Berufswahlpass NRW

Company visits

FiDa (Vocational Orientation Fair Gronau)

DASA Working World Exhibition

Project days on the topic of BO

Simulation of job interviews with Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus

Career counseling interviews

Consultations through employment agency

Work with youth vocational assistance and vocational entry guides (BerEb's)

Training ambassador in school


Student internship 1 week


Work with the Berufswahlpass NRW

Company visits

FiDa (Vocational Orientation Fair Gronau)

Project days on the topic of BO

Career counseling interviews

Consultations through employment agency

Work with youth vocational assistance and vocational entry guides (BerEb's)

Training ambassador in school

In the area of career orientation, the Euregio Comprehensive School has several cooperation partners. These support us in the area of internships (e.g. student internship, long-term internship or career field exploration), present their career fields in the school, simulate job interviews with the students, offer company tours or serve as experts for special subject areas in the school.

Our cooperation partners include:

  • Stahlbau Benning GmbH Gronau-Epe
  • TEUPEN Mechanical Engineering GmbH Gronau
  • Caritas Gronau
  • Kleine-Ruse GmbH Gronau
  • KIMA Automation Gronau-Epe
  • Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus