
Kangaroo Competition - Report

A total of around 70 students from the various grades dared to tackle the mathematical tasks.
Characteristic of this math competition are the diverse types of tasks that deviate from supposedly "typical school tasks" and encourage students to puzzle, ponder, calculate and estimate.
It was particularly pleasing that this year the students were once again able to complete the competition together at school on the day of the competition.
The students visibly enjoyed the tasks and calculated diligently until the last minute.
All participants then received a certificate and smaller prizes in recognition of their achievements.
The top scorer with a strong 76 points was Lennart Oing (6b). Among other things, he was able to enjoy a T-shirt for having the largest kangaroo jump (i.e. the largest number of consecutive correct answers).
In the other grades, the following students achieved the highest scores: David Gerwens (5c), Maya Litwin (7d), Jamie Rose and Markus Spies (8c), Johannes Uesbeck (9a) and Celina Hadakoglu (10d).
It is already clear to everyone: next school year, the Euregio Comprehensive School will participate in the kangaroo competition again!!!