Euregio-Robotics look back on a successful season

On 25.05.2024, a regional competition took place at our school, in which 14 teams took part to qualify for the big German final in Passau. Mr. Kemper led the competition day with the support of many volunteer teachers and parents, making it a great experience for everyone involved. The children were able to present their robots and compete against other teams in exciting competitions. The focus was not only on technical knowledge and problem-solving skills, but also on teamwork and, above all, perseverance.

And indeed, in the senior age group, the Euregio-Robotics Senior team of Annika Wolters, Salih Kundakci and Lennard Oing managed to qualify for the German finals in Passau with a great result. Couch Stefan Niemeier and his team set off by coach for an unforgettable weekend in Bavaria. The German final of the 2024 season was the tenth and biggest German final ever. 136 teams took part in the competition in our four categories. The team from Euregio Comprehensive School achieved a good 25th place in their age category.

Special thanks go to all colleagues and parents for their commitment. We would also like to thank the Förderverein and the company GGM Gastro from Ochtrup for their support with the WRO.

We are incredibly proud of our students' achievements and congratulate them on their great efforts.

The regional competition and the German final showed how much fun learning and working with technology can be and how important it is to spark interest in STEM subjects at an early age.

We are already looking forward to the next exciting projects and competitions!