Euregio Comprehensive School Epe visits the World Final of the International Robotics Competition WRO

The 40 or so students from the technology courses in grades 8, 9 and 10 watched the outstanding performances of the international participants at the world finals of the WRO (Word Robot Olympiad) in the Dortmund exhibition halls.

As a WRO regional partner - the Euregio Comprehensive School organizes an annual WRO regional competition - the school had the opportunity to attend this unique event.

At the World Robot Olympiad finals, 365 teams from 73 countries around the world came together to show their solutions and compete with other teams. The focus was on technical understanding and programming skills.

"Wow, the robots are really impressive!" said Kane Blömker from the 10th grade.


The YT LAB team from Japan

The participants are the STEM rock stars of tomorrow.

The event, which took place from November 17 to 19, offered all visitors an exciting program with lectures, workshops, hands-on activities, guided tours and tours.
In addition, there was a unique look at the best robotics teams in the world.

"Here we can get some inspiration for the lessons and the robotics study group!" also found the subject teachers of the Euregio comprehensive school.

The teachers Mr. Tarp, Mr. Gebhardt and Mr. Kemper in front of the booth of the team "L-Dealer" from Costa Rica.

About WRO:
WRO is an international robotics competition for children and young people aged 8 - 19. In exciting competitions, girls and boys have the opportunity to learn about computer science, technology and robotics in a fun way. The most important information about the competition is summarized as follows:
- There are 4 competition categories with several age groups and a starter program for beginners.
- Each year, regional competitions are held first, followed by a German final and finally a world final.
- Children and young people can take part in teams of 2 or 3 with an adult team coach.
- Depending on the competition category, LEGO robots or any other robots can be used in the competition.

The Euregio Comprehensive School holds an annual regional competition. The next one will take place on Saturday, 13.05.2023. Interested parties from primary and secondary schools can already register for this competition at the following link:

The MINT project coordinators Dietmar Kemper(dietmar.kemper@egs.gronau.de) and Sascha Tarp(sascha.tarp@egs.gronau.de) are available to answer questions about the competition in Epe.