School of the future

Nature AG

After the students worked out reasons for bee mortality (monoculture, pesticides, not enough "living space"), the students thought about solutions.
With regard to the trash cans full to the brim in the school, another task was to think about how trash can be avoided or recycled.

The idea:

  • Bee hotels made from cans and PET bottles.
  • Seed bombs for plant diversity and a more diverse diet that leads to strengthening bee health
  • Posters and cards pointing out the problems of bees.


Ants.... There is something crawling....

Almost everyone knows ant trails, but how do ants actually live and what tasks do ants perform in nature.
The students from the nature - profile course at the Euregio Comprehensive School are dealing with these and other questions up close.
Not only was Lasius niger (the black trail ant) observed outside in nature, the animals moved into a Formicarum so that the students could continue to observe their behavior and food intake in the classroom.

Discovering nature together is twice as much fun!

Community spirit is also a theme in the profile. Games and exercises, such as the team crane, not only provide fun, the students also experience that with team spirit and respectful communication, the most difficult tasks can be mastered.