

Eighteen students from the secondary school and eight students from the Realschule took part together in the student competition "bio-logisch!". For two days, they worked diligently in

teams experimented to solve tricky tasks under the guidance of the cooperating biology teachers from both schools. The student competition, which has been held by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia since 2002, takes place once a year. It is particularly aimed at students who are interested in biological issues and phenomena beyond the classroom. The cooperation project between the two schools was well received by the participants as well as the two biology teachers Jens Dütting and Eve Nayda. "Experimenting was a lot of fun for the students; they experimented very independently and found things out for themselves," praises Jens Dütting. "I think experimenting was more important to most of them than winning something." Given the students' enthusiasm for the project, they are already planning to take part in the competition again next year.