
Tree planting campaign for more sustainability:

On Friday morning, 500 new trees were planted in the Eper Bauerschaft Am Berge, more precisely on the property of farmer Michael Hewing. Four ninth-grade students, equipped with spades and weatherproof clothing, visited the farm to actively support the Driland-Kolleg initiators in planting the trees, together with representatives of the Fridtjof-Nansen-Realschule and local daycare centers. This was preceded by an internal school fundraising campaign by the SV as part of our "School of the Future" campaign, which raised around 300 euros to purchase the seedlings. A forest can now grow from the saplings, which are up to four meters high, on the approx. 2500 m2 site. Should the students visit it in twenty years, the trees will remind them that they did their part to protect the environment and the climate while at school.