
Interview in East Belgium (28.08.2020)

At the end of an extensive opinion poll conducted by the Taalunie, two of our Dutch students were invited to the Robert Schuman Institute in Eupen at the end of August 2020 and interviewed about their experiences.

Since May 2019, the Taalunie asked students from about 3000 secondary schools in northern France, Wallonia, Brussels, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and East Belgium, in the form of questionnaires, about their teaching experiences and knowledge - including the Dutch students of the Euregio comprehensive school. In the form of a report, the answers have now been scientifically processed at the beginning of October 2020. In addition, some students were invited to publish their answers in an interview, thus giving their opinions even more weight. Anna and Pia from the 10th grade course took advantage of this opportunity and traveled to the tranquil town of Eupen in the German-speaking part of eastern Belgium together with their subject teacher, Mr. Porschen. The video of the interview and the full report on the opinion poll can be seen on the Taalunie site: