Project day

Europe Day

In many small project groups, a lot was learned and designed on the topic of "Europe". All contributions from the classes were then exhibited as part of the learning guidance day.

In addition, on 09 May the city of Enschede, like the rest of Europe, celebrated "Europe Day". For this occasion, the AOC Oost organized a diverse program, to which a delegation of the Euregio Comprehensive School was also invited. In various workshops, German and Dutch students learned what it means to work together and how cross-border cooperation can easily work.

In addition to workshops in technology, sports, horticulture, music and animal husbandry, the program was complemented by a typical German buffet and the award ceremony of the German-Dutch writing competition (hosted by WN and Tubantia).

It was a great honor and a lot of fun for us to be guests on that day. We are therefore already looking forward to further projects with our neighbors!