"What is man?" - Woyzeck cannot escape his fate

Something completely different was expected from a drama production beforehand, as director Tanja Weidner's production is a creative reinterpretation. Even the casting of a woman as Woyzeck deviates from the original and provides inspiration and food for thought on the topicality of the material for the present day.

The actors' performances were captivating, shocking and drew you into the hopelessness of Woyzeck, who is shaken by oppression and social injustice, so that the playing time of one hour passed surprisingly quickly.

The many new perspectives and angles of the play, as well as questions ("What were the monkeys supposed to do?") provided plenty of impetus for in-depth study and discussion in the classroom.

Despite the greater distance between Epe and Münster, the ensemble of the Borcherts Theater and the convivial location of the theater on Münster's harbor were so convincing that another visit in late summer is planned for a new play.

(advanced German course in Q1)