
Internet article Christmas in a shoe box

Now in its third year, the 7a participated in the "Christmas in a Shoebox" campaign and inspired the students of the 5a for this campaign. The campaign is described on the homepage as follows: "Christmas in a Shoebox"® is the most popular gift campaign worldwide. Internationally, the campaign is known as "Operation Christmas Child". Since 1993, more than 186 million children in over 150 countries have been reached worldwide. This season, the packages from German-speaking countries will once again go to children in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, to give the children a smile and joy at Christmas. This year, the students of EGS packed a total of 8 shoeboxes for boys and girls of different ages. For this, they made shopping lists and went shopping together in Epe. Afterwards, the students lovingly decorated and packed the boxes and sent them on their way with personal Christmas greeting cards. On the one hand, the students financed this campaign from their class coffers; on the other hand, they themselves donated not only money, but also small gifts that were also packed.

A big thank you goes to the students of classes 5a and 7a for their dedication and personal commitment to this campaign.