Class trip

Heyi Norderney! - The 7th year on a class trip

The joy among the students and also the teachers was particularly great, since the last class trip was cancelled due to corona.
On the island, a colorful program of learning, exercise and especially a lot of fun awaited the classes. Arriving directly on the island, the students were greeted by the sea and the laughing sun. At the youth hostel, they were able to check into their rooms and explore the grounds. On the first evening they went directly to the beach to enjoy the sunset.

During the photo challenge, the task was: "Take a creative group photo on the paths of the Thalasso platform", "Take a group photo with a fish" or "Create a shell picture in the sand". With a lot of verve and good humor, the students took on the challenges and explored Norderney in small groups. Many funny and creative photos were taken, which will remind them of the great class trip even later. Furthermore, the students were able to prove their skills at mini-golf. Several times they also had the opportunity to let off steam on playgrounds with special offers, such as an indoor area, or the soccer field, thus strengthening their class community.

A special program item was the mudflat hike on Thursday. Two groups went barefoot or with rubber boots into the mudflats. The mudflat guide had a lot of information, but also one or two delicacies in his luggage. Especially brave students and also teachers had the opportunity to wait through the deep "mud". This caused great laughter and surprise among all participants when their feet suddenly sank deep into the mudflats.

The class trip ended with the joint "burger party", where all participants could talk about the last days and enjoy the delicious burgers on the terrace of the youth hostel.

On the return trip, all the students agreed: "That was a great class trip. 9 out of 10 points!".