Class trip

Class trip of the 5th classes

When we arrived at the hostel, we got a lot of information, e.g. when it is night time. Later we were finally allowed to go to our rooms, but we still had to make our beds. Between 12 and 13 o'clock we had lunch. After lunch we went outside. It is a super great facility there. We had one hour of free time. In that time we could explore everything. After that, the city rally started. It went on for several hours. At the end of the great time in the city we went back to the hostel. There we got our dinner. At 9 p.m. there was a meeting from the classes about what we thought was good or not so good on the first day. At 10 pm the teachers came and wished us a good night. The next day we woke up at 7 am. Between 8 and 9 o'clock we had breakfast. We had a circus project day on the 2nd day and a big theme party with all the classes. The circus was on the grounds. All the children ran to the circus tent. There were a lot of people in the circus tent (coaches). Then we went to the practice room. We had different groups e.g. acrobatics, juggling, fakirs and many more. In acrobatics, the children built high pyramids, which was really not easy. But also in the juggling they had to concentrate well. The fakirs even worked with fire. In the afternoon, all the groups performed what they had learned in the morning. Then the fun really started. We got ready for the theme party. All classes had their own motto, e.g. 5a: sweatpants, 5b: chick,..... The teachers set up everything in the basement. We listened to music, danced or talked. Around 11 pm we went to our beds. The next morning we were woken up at 7 o'clock. After breakfast we had to clean our room and strip beds. At about 11 o'clock the bus came. At 12 o'clock we were back home. All classes thought it was a SUPER class trip.
Emily and Mara (5b)