
Report Steinfurt

There, the three-day Schülercampus 2019 took place, where students from the 9th grade are invited to participate in workshops and thus get to know the engineering courses offered there. After a short opening speech by the vice dean of the UAS, who presented his career and encouraged the students to learn and later pursue technical professions, we visited four different workshops in the process, all of which were very well received by our participants. In the workshop "The Beer Game", they learned in a playful way how a value chain works and thus vividly experienced the industrial engineering course of study. In mechanical engineering, there were three different offerings. They included experiments to determine the stresses to which various metal materials can be subjected, the currents generated by a wind turbine, and how to measure agricultural machinery. The excursion was rounded off by a meal in the Unimensa.

Good contacts were thus established for later visits and excursions to the Münster University of Applied Sciences in Steinfurt. Our technically interested students were also able to gain initial experience for their future careers.