Project day

Where do potatoes actually grow?

After the 3rd lesson the students went to the field of family Wenker with the bicycles. There, Mr. Wenker told when and how potatoes get into the ground and showed how to get them out again. Afterwards, boys and girls could dig up some tubers themselves. The tour continued on to the farm. First they had a look at the potato harvester, visited the cattle in the barn including the workshop and then peeled, grated and cut the fresh potatoes together in the large garden, made chips and fried potato pancakes. Outside in the fresh air, the homemade food tasted especially delicious. After the meal, they cleaned up and played. Now the girls were allowed to get busy with horses and some boys did a digging lesson until unfortunately the weather let us down. At 15:15 the "field lesson" was over. We would like to thank the Wenker family for the invitation and organization of this day and look forward to being their guests again.