Memorial Day

Remembrance Day in Gronau and Epe

On November 13, the fallen of the First and Second World War were commemorated in our assembly hall. In her welcoming speech in the auditorium of the Carl-Sonnenschein-Realschule, Mayor Sonja Jürgens referred to the speech of former German President Richard von Weizsäcker in 1985 on the 40th anniversary of the end of the war. He absolved the post-war generation and their descendants of responsibility for the two world wars, but laid on them the duty of remembrance. "Because we need these pillars of remembrance and commemoration that form something like a national memory," Jürgens said. Since there can be no reconciliation without remembrance, he said, it is important in a united Europe - surrounded by friends - to remember together. This deepens reconciliation. It is equally important to take responsibility for the here and now.