Class trip

Class trip to Borkum

A five-day class trip was on the horizon. The trip started on Monday with a bus ride to Emden. From there it went on with a ferry.

After two hours we arrived at the port of Borkum. On foot we went to the youth hostel, where first rooms were checked in and the bikes were picked up. After a delicious dinner, the students had time to explore the grounds and walk on the dike.

During the week, everyone had not only sunny spring weather, but also a very extensive program. A night hike, a tour of the lightship, an exploration of the Wadden Sea, a trip to the city and an island rally, barbecuing and baking bread on sticks, climbing and bowling, a tour of the lighthouse - there was something for everyone. Some students were allowed to visit the rescue cruiser "Alfred Krupp".

On Friday, April 7, it was time for everyone to pack their bags and say goodbye. We went back to the harbor and on to Emden, where two coaches were waiting for us. After a two-hour drive we arrived in Gronau-Epe.

The well planned and organized class trip is now over. We thank everyone for their help and support and look forward to planning the next trip soon.