
I am like you

In the presence of Sonja Jürgens (Mayor of the city of Gronau), Ben Kuipers (Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Overijssel and Gelderland) and Eddy van Hijum (Member of Parliament for the Overijssel region), the Mayor of the city of Enschede, Onno van Veldhuizen, explained his vision of German-Dutch cooperation in the best German. In doing so, he emphatically stressed how important it can be to master the language of one's neighbor.

This can also be seen in the following clip with our colleague Mr. Porschen: Click here

Afterwards, those present took the cross-border cooperation mentioned into their own hands: In a kind of workshop under the title "I am like you", mixed group tables consisting of politicians, entrepreneurs, Dutch and German students worked out the planning of a German-Dutch youth festival. Students from the Euregio comprehensive school in Gronau-Epe stood out in particular, impressing representatives of the municipality of Enschede so much with their ideas that they want to continue the further planning with them. The festival is to be realized in September, at the end of the "German Week" in Enschede.

As part of the interdisciplinary lessons in the subjects of art and science, Class 6c created shadow pictures of their heads and bodies. The lesson topic of light and shadow was developed in science class and the findings were practically implemented in art class. The results can be viewed in the coming weeks in the passageway between the school buildings.