Anticipation Market

Anticipation market - open day

We were very pleased about the large number of visitors and the resulting interest in our school. In addition to great activities, such as a make-up activity of our girls - AG and experiments from the elective science classes, the visitors could buy small items and treats. Also the tombola for the benefit of our development association was a great success. Besides all these attractions, interested children and their parents could have a look at our premises and some of our students gave small talks about our school life with the help of a presentation. There was also a colorful supporting program with Christmas songs and a cool jumpstyle. The physical well-being was taken care of by our dedicated parents' committee.

The team at Epe Secondary School is already planning the project days, during which the future students will be able to actively experience and help shape everyday school life in January.

We hope you enjoyed the insight into our school and would be pleased to welcome you at our information evening (information to follow).