
Epe secondary school chooses the best reader

Each class chose a class winner in advance. So last Friday, three excited girls and one boy competed against each other in the school competition. The four competitors first had to read out their own text. Afterwards, our candidates had to read a text written by someone else. They were judged on reading technique, interpretation and, in the case of the well-known text excerpt, selection. The jury consisted of Mrs. Vischedyk and Mrs. Cantama as representatives of the secondary school Epe. Mr. Brüggemann from the Carl-Sonnenschein-Realschule and Mrs. Mönsters (member of the school conference) also acted as juror and juroress respectively. After a close and exciting reading competition, Leo Doetkotte from 6d prevailed as the winner. Leo will now represent Epe Secondary School at the regional competition in the new year. We wish him every success!