One year secondary school Epe

On this occasion, the two German teachers Mrs. Vischedyk and Mrs. Cantama interviewed the students and the teaching staff of the secondary school Epe. The principal Mrs. Groß-Bölting especially appreciates the team spirit in the college and the growing communities in the classes.

For the students, of course, the long lunch breaks and the excursions at the end of the school year are highlights. In addition to the fun, however, it is also clear that the new secondary school form is viewed positively by the students. The majority of the students praise the heterogeneous composition of the classes with regard to their inclinations and abilities, which is made possible in particular by the choice between two performance levels in the main subjects. In addition, the students find the composition of the class teaching teams of one female and one male teacher particularly advantageous. Further praise is given to the wide range of profile courses and the practical subjects taught. In addition, many participants in the survey are pleased with the modern equipment in the classrooms. In the age of I-pad and Co, the smartboards generate lively admiration.

In addition to feedback from the students, it was also important to find out what wishes they had for the coming school year. It became particularly clear that a large proportion of the students would like to see the existing play garbage can increased by additional play equipment. This would give the children a wider range of games to play during their lunch breaks. Above all, the students of the profile subject "Singing and Making Music" would like to found a school band in the new school year in cooperation with the music teacher Mr. Leusmann.